board library

Contains the board data, checks the valid movements and starts the board.


Singleton which contains all the ingame info about the pieces and the essential components.


blackPieces() List<Piece>
Array of the black pieces to setup the board.
initEmptyMovements() List<List<bool>>
Function that starts the movement matrix empty(set as false).
inversedBlackPieces() List<Piece>
Array of the black pieces to setup the reversed board.
inversedWhitePieces() List<Piece>
Array of the white pieces to setup the reversed board.
resetSingleton(bool reversedBoard) → void
Function that resets the information of the BoardData singleton.
validateMovements(List<List<int>> movements) List<List<int>>
Function that checks all the movements in a array it only returns the list of valid ones.
whitePieces() List<Piece>
Array of the white pieces to setup the board.