processCastling function

void processCastling(
  1. int auxY,
  2. int auxX,
  3. int y,
  4. int x

Function that simulates the castling move.


void processCastling(int auxY, int auxX, int y, int x) {
  BoardData board = BoardData();
  if (board.currentBoard[auxY][auxX] is King) {
    (board.currentBoard[auxY][auxX] as King).alreadyMoved = true;
  } else if (board.currentBoard[auxY][auxX] is Rook) {
    (board.currentBoard[auxY][auxX] as Rook).alreadyMoved = true;
  if (board.currentBoard[auxY][auxX] is King && (auxX - x).abs() > 1) {
    if (x == 6) {
      board.currentBoard[y][5] = board.currentBoard[y][7];
      board.currentBoard[y][7] = Empty(isWhite: false);
      (board.squares[y * 8 + 5] as SquareState).actualizarEstado();
      (board.squares[y * 8 + 7] as SquareState).actualizarEstado();
    } else if (x == 2) {
      board.currentBoard[y][3] = board.currentBoard[y][0];
      board.currentBoard[y][0] = Empty(isWhite: false);
      (board.squares[y * 8 + 0] as SquareState).actualizarEstado();
      (board.squares[y * 8 + 3] as SquareState).actualizarEstado();
    } else if (x == 1) {
      board.currentBoard[y][2] = board.currentBoard[y][0];
      board.currentBoard[y][0] = Empty(isWhite: false);
      (board.squares[y * 8 + 0] as SquareState).actualizarEstado();
      (board.squares[y * 8 + 2] as SquareState).actualizarEstado();
    } else if (x == 5) {
      board.currentBoard[y][4] = board.currentBoard[y][7];
      board.currentBoard[y][7] = Empty(isWhite: false);
      (board.squares[y * 8 + 4] as SquareState).actualizarEstado();
      (board.squares[y * 8 + 7] as SquareState).actualizarEstado();